Chikungunya PCR

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About Chikungunya PCR

Chikungunya is a viral disease borne by the Aedes mosquito, which is spread through mosquito bites or via organ transplants. There may also be congenital transmission of the chikungunya virus. Chikungunya infection is characterized by a sudden onset of high fever, severe joint pain, and fatigue. Diagnosis of chikungunya virus fever can be achieved through a serological chikungunya diagnostic test using a blood sample. Testing for the chikungunya virus can help detect and prevent its transmission.

What is the Chikungunya Test?

The chikungunya diagnosis test is a simple serological test performed to diagnose or rule out chikungunya infection in a person who exhibits symptoms similar to those of a chikungunya infection, such as fever. The chikungunya fever test detects the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies in the blood sample, which may have been produced in response to an ongoing or past chikungunya infection. The presence of these antibodies in the patient’s blood sample can assist doctors in diagnosing a current infection with the chikungunya virus.

When should I get this Chikungunya Test?

The chikungunya diagnosis test may be recommended by a doctor who identifies symptoms of chikungunya infection during a patient’s diagnosis. Chikungunya virus infection symptoms typically appear about a week after the infection. Common symptoms of chikungunya virus infection include: Sudden high fever

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Prolonged muscle pain
  • Severe joint pain and swelling in the joints

Which test is done for Chikungunya?

Chikungunya virus infection can be diagnosed by performing a variety of tests. Anti-chikungunya antibodies can be confirmed by serological tests such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The IgG and IgM antibody levels peak three to five weeks after the onset of sickness and last for about two months.

  • IgG and IgM antibody levels.
  • Chikungunya PCR test.

What are the three symptoms of chikungunya fever?

After being bitten by an infected mosquito, symptoms usually appear 3–7 days later. Chills, high-grade temperature, joint pain and headache are the most typical symptoms. Chills begin within three days after a mosquito bite, followed by a high-grade temperature of up to 104F. The headache begins by day five after the onset of symptoms. Joint pains of chikungunya are severe and may last for months after recovery.




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